Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prodigal ephemerally returning

Back in the world of the bloggers
Summer heat sapped creativity
Made me wish for cooler climes

A year away
Life moving to end

...or begin again with urgency to find itself wrapped in some season

Summer, fall, winter spring

All revolving around the calender we falsely label with days

I am here again

tadpole in the pool
Happy for now
It is feast or famine
I waste days hoping it won't dry out before my tail is absorbed

And I can hop away


Ephemerally Yours,

1 comment:

Photosensualis said...

Just read with great interest your fascinating and revealing story in Orion magazine. Your writing is very evocative - I felt in some way some of what you must have felt as you traveled and witnessed the land and the people in South Africa. As a fellow nature lover, I send my best wishes to you, and really look forward to more writings.

.... Michael (Woodstock, NY)